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    更新:HD/2022-11-19 17:50:17

    主演:Luke White Amar Adatia 丹尼 





    Naomi Vista is an accomplished flautist, with a scholarship to one of the best music academies in the world. Just before her enrollment, both her parents die, throwing Naomi into a pit of despair. At the academy, Naomi is magnetically drawn to Raphael, a quiet and ethereal stranger. However, Raphael is not what he seems, he is a fallen angel. Through Raphaels guidance, Naomi rediscovers a love for life, however, this has attracted the attention of a gang of fallen angels that Raphael left years ago. The gang is led by Raphaels brother, Demeteri but it is Kyber, a bitter rival, who is intent on finishing what he started eight hundred years ago, to destroy Raphael. Meanwhile, the gang of fallen angels led by Demeteri are instigating a gang war in London to oust the current gangland leader with a man of their choosing - Eddie. Eddie is a lovable loser who after being manipulated by the fallen angels becomes a cold hearted killer. Set against the backdrop of a London gang war, Naomi and Raphael embark on a love story that will change them both forever.

    剧情电影天使的战争在线观看免费完整版由南瓜电影网于2022-11-19 17:50:17收集整理于网络,并提供天使的战争全集优酷、腾讯、奇艺、芒果等高清视频观看模式。这里有各国动漫番剧,经典的电影,以及各大电视台热播的国产电视剧,韩剧,日剧,美剧,港剧等同步更新,让你在空闲下来的时候,可以尽情欣赏一部好看的电影动漫番剧、连续剧和综艺节目,为你带来愉快的心情!在观看中体会人生百态,在电影中感受奇思妙想,丰富情感,通过感官感受电影所带来的一切,在内心深处形成感情的共鸣。